Monday, 11 August 2014

A Few Safety Tips For You And Your Car
A Few Safety Tips For You And Your Car
Everyone seems to take advantage of the fact that they have a car. One thing most people don't ever really think about is safety for both you and your car. In this article we are going to discuss a few safety tips that should be followed by everyone.

No matter what, we are all going to end up breaking down at one point throughout their lives. This could be something as simple as a flat tire, or something more complicated like transmission issues. The first thing you should do before you have a break down is to bring your car to a garage at least every 6 months and have them check your fluids, belts and tires and make sure you get a tune up at least once a year.

But even by taking all these precautions you may still find yourself on the side of the road. If this ends up happening to you, make sure to get your car as far off the road as you can and also set out flares to let oncoming traffic know there is an issue approaching. Also if possible, try to get your car to a well lit area where there are plenty of people around.

Another thing you should be aware of is theft of your car. Throughout the United States a car or truck is stolen every 20 seconds. There are a few things that will help deter thieves. First thing is to make sure you always lock your car no matter where you are. Also you may want to get yourself one of those "Club's" to place on your steering wheel. The sight of one of these devices is often enough to deter thieves. And lastly you may want to look into getting an alarm system for your car. When alarms go off on a car most thieves will instantly run away to avoid being seen at the car.

One more thing you should do for your own safety is to create an emergency pack for your car. In this pack you should have jumper cables, flares, blankets, bottled drinking water and also just normal tap water in case you overheat. A few more things that are good to have in this kit is a self powered radio, you know the kind you wind up to get electricity for. And you should also have maps of every area you drive through and if you're going on a long trip you may want to pick up an atlas for the entire United States.

And lastly it is wise to have a cell phone in your car. This can really be useful especially if you end up breaking down in the middle of nowhere. This way you can call the police or a garage if you know of one nearby. Keeping a cell phone with you while you're traveling or even just driving around can mean the difference between spending the night in your car and getting a hold of someone to get a tow and a ride home.

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